How To Get Better At Wildlife Photography Monoimages August 6, 2015 Articles Ever since the DSLR and digital cameras became more readily available, a lot of people have started showing enthusiasm and flair for photography. These people have started venturing into the genre that was previously saved for a select number of people. Here is how you can improve your skills when it comes to wildlife photography in particular. Get Super Familiar With Your Gear This may sound like just another textbook advice but the fact is stressing on it has its perks when capturing moments. You need to be intrinsically familiar with the settings of your camera or the abilities of your chosen lens. You will either miss it or blow the pictures. Here is what you need to know, check whether the minimum shutter speed is set to the point at which you can get sharp images, check out the added margins the in-lens stabilization gives you, learn how to toggle fast between focus modes, and check how high you can push the gadget’s ISO settings. Get To Know Your Subject Most of wildlife photography is all about capturing fleeting moments of nature. It goes in your favor if you can predict the next move of your subject. Your subject is what you rely on, but it won’t model for you. There may be a second’s window, and you, as a good wildlife photographer, cannot let that go. The only way to get to predict wildlife is by spending time with them. Do not just hang around for a couple of minutes and seek out subject after subject in the vicinity. Use The Light The first thing that you will find as a professional wildlife photographer is that you will prefer the hours of golden light. Haven’t you heard that photography is all about painting with light? This is why you need to learn to use the light to your best advantage. The good news is that even light coming in from the wrong direction than what you anticipated is good for adding mood to the picture. Most newbie’s think that wildlife photography can be impacted in a positive way with the use of maybe the longest and the widest lens there is. It is not about the lens, if you shoot wider and add in the natural environment, you avoid allowing the onlooker to assume that you took the image in a controlled location. Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published. Name* Email* Website Comment Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.